Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday of the Myrrh bearing women

Scripture readings

On the Second Sunday after Pascha we remember the Myrrh bearing women.

They arrived at the tomb to anoint the body of Christ only find the tomb was empty.

It was they who first bough the joyful news of Christ's resurrection.

St Joseph of Arimathea, who provided the tomb for Christ's body and St Nicodemus are also commemorated this day.

Orthodox Study Bibles

A new version of this is now available. The cost is $55.

If you would like a copy contact Fr Ilyan.

The Living in need of our prayers

  • Zita
  • June
  • Kathleen Ayoub

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Havronia
  • James
  • Argeo
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