Sunday, September 7, 2008

Forefeast of The Nativity of The Theotokos

Scripture readings

Saints Commemorated today

  • Holy Martyr Sozon , the Shepherd
  • St John, Archbishop of Novgorod
  • Holy Apostles Euodias & Onesiphorus of The Seventy
  • St Clodoald, Abbot – Founder of Nogent-sur – Seine near Paris

The living in need of our Prayers

  • Archpriest Ilyan
  • Luba
  • June
  • Kathleen
  • Olga Soroka

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Khaliel
  • Bogdan
  • Kleianthei
  • Michael
  • Gabriela
  • Milivoye

The Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos

Tomorrow. the 8th of September, we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, one of the twelve great feasts of the Church.

According to Church tradition the Virgin Mary's parents were Joachim and Anna who were childless, a source of great grief to them but they retained their faith in God despite their prayers to God remaining unanswered.

One day Joachim went to the Temple to make an offering but was turned away by the High Priest who rebuked him for his lack of children.

Joachim feeling shame went to to live amongst the shepherds and their sheep in the hills away from Jerusalem.

As he was praying one day an angel appeared to him promising him a daughter whose name would be known throughout the ages. Simultaneously an angel appeared to Anna, at home in Jerusalem, who gave her the same message. Joachim returned to his wife in Jerusalem and In due course Mary was born.

Anna promised to dedicate her child to God.

In time Mary became the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ and is given the title Theotokos (literally God Bearer) in recognition of the Divinity of Christ.