Saturday, August 22, 2009

11th Sunday after Pentecost

St Matthew

Scripture readings

  • Epistle: St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 9:2-12
  • Gospel:Matthew 18:23-35

Saints and feasts

  • Our Holy Father Ireneaus, Bishop of Lyons
  • Our Holy Father Kallinikos, Patriarch of Constantinople
  • Luppus the Martyr & Slave of St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki
  • Our Righteous Father Nicholas of Sikelion
  • 38 Martyrs of Thrace

The living

  • June
  • Luba
  • Olga
  • Kathleen
  • Sheryl
  • Archpriest Ilyan

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Mary
  • George
  • Sadie
  • Valentina
  • Alexander
  • Walter
  • Millie


There will be no divine Liturgy next Sunday, 30th August since Fr Ilyan will be in the North Island.