Scripture readings
- Epistle: St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 2:14-22
- Gospel: Luke 12:16-21
Saints and feasts
- Afterfeast of the Entry into the Temple
- Apostles Philemon and Archippus
- Martyr Apphia, wife of Philemon, and St. Onesimus, disciple of St. Paul
- Martyrdom of St. Michael, prince of Tver
- Martyrs Cecilia (canon only), Valerian, Tiburtius and Maximus at Rome
- Martyr Procopius the reader at Caesaria in Palestine
- Martyr Menignus at Parium
- St. Agabbas of Syria
- Righteous Michael the soldier of Bulgaria
- Martyrs Stephen, Mark, and Mark (another) in Pisidia
- Martyr Agapion of Greece
- St. Callistus II, Patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
- St. Clement of Ochrida, Bishop of Greater Macedonia.
The living
- June
- Luba
- Olga
- Kathleen
- Sheryl
- Archpriest Ilyan
- Petros
- Katherine
- Irini
The Departed we Commemorated today
- Georgeos
- Reginald
- Haido
- Gordana
- Milos