Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday of The Canaanite Woman

Scripture readings

Saints and Feasts

  • Forefeast of The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Holy Martyr Tryphon
  • St Brigid of Kildare
  • Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas of Carthage
  • St Seiriol Abbot of Penmon, Anglesey

The Living

  • Patriarch Pavle of Serbia Olga Soroka
  • Luba
  • Kathleen
  • June
  • the Archpriest Ilyan

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Slavka
  • Alexander
  • Mikhail
  • Polina
  • Vera

No Liturgy today

Fr Ilyan is serving the Divine Liturgy in Invercargill today. There will therefore be no Divine Liturgy served at St Michaels this morning.