Scripture readings
- Epistle: St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-6
- Gospel: Mark 8:34-38; 9:1
Saints and feasts
- Hieromartyr of Cherson: Basil, Ephraim, Capito, Eugene, Aetherius, Elpidius, and Agathadorus
St. Paul the Confessor, Bishop of Plusias in Bithynia
St. Paul the Simple of Egypt, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
St. Emilian of Rome
Saints Nestor and Arcadius, bishops of Tremithus
St. Laurence, founder of the Monastery of the Mother of God in Salamina
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Surety for sinners"
Repose of Schemamonk Sisoes of Valaam (1931)
The living
- June
- Andy
- Sheryl
- Matushka Mary
- Olga
- Chris
- John
- Trevor
- Carol
- George Erakovic
- Archpriest Ilyan
The Departed we Commemorated today
2010 Archdiocese Calendar
The 2010 Archdicese calendar is now available. The cost is $15. The proceeds, after costs, from the sale go to the Parish