The After-Feast of The Presentation of Our Lady The Theotokos in The Temple
Scripture readings
Saints commemorated today
- Amphilochios, Bishop of Iconium
- Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum
- Ischyrion, Bishop of Egypt
- St Metrophan, Bishop of Voronezh
- St Polin, the Ascetic
- St Columbanus of Ireland, Abbot of Luxeuil & Bobbio
- St Alexander Nevsky
The living we are praying for
- Patriarch Pavle of Serbia
- Olga (Soroka)
- Luba
- Kathleen
- June
- The Archpriest Ilyan
- Amelia
The Departed we Commemorated today
- Costandino
- Elias
- Pavlos
- Laskaritsa
- Nikki
- Georgos
- Stelyos
- Theothora
- Reginald