Sunday, November 30, 2008

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Pentecost

Scripture readings

Saints Commemorated Today

  • The Holy Apostle St Andrew, the First-Called
  • St Tudwal, Bishop of Wales & Brittany
  • St Frumentius Archbishop of Abyssinia

The living we are praying for

  • Patriarch Pavle of Serbia
  • Olga (Soroka)
  • Luba
  • Kathleen
  • June
  • The Archpriest Ilyan
  • Amelia

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Oksana
  • Nikolai
  • Grigory
  • Yevdokia
  • Eugenia
  • Sergei
  • Maria
  • Stephan
  • Irina

Orthodox Study Bibles and Liturgical Calendars

Reminder if you wish to purchase an Orthodox study bible see Fr Ilyan - these cost $55 each plus postage.

Fr Ilyan also has the Archdiocesan Liturgical Calendar for 2009 available. This is a wonderful wall calendar suitable for the faithful, to remind us of feast days and fast days throughout the year. These cost $15 each and are available from Fr Ilyan.

The Holy Apostle Andrew

Today we remember St Andrew, the first called.

St Andrew was the brother of St Peter and a fisherman by trade.

After Pentecost he planted Churches in Greece, Georgia and the Russian lands.

In Particular he appointed St Stachys as the first Bishop of Byzantium.

He also planted a cross in Kiev prophesying that a city of Churches would grow there and a Christian future for the region.

St Andrew was martyred in 62 AD in the city of Patras a city of the Peloponnese.