St Michael Theotokos John the Baptist

St Michael's

OrthodoxCross Church



Sunday, December 7, 2008

10th Sunday of Luke

Scripture readings

Saints Commemorated Today

  • Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
  • Athenodoros the Martyr of Mesopotamia
  • Righteous Father Gerasimus, Ascetic of Euboia
  • Holy Father John of Kronstadt

The living we are praying for

  • Patriarch Pavle of Serbia
  • the Hieromonk Ambrose in Wellington
  • Olga (Soroka)
  • Luba
  • Kathleen
  • June
  • The Archpriest Ilyan
  • Amelia

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow
  • Milena
  • Maurice
  • John & Christina
  • George

Memory Eternal, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow

Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow reposed last Friday, the 5th of December.

Patriarch Alexy was born on February the 23rd 1929 and ordained to the priesthood in 1950. He succeeded Patriarch Pimen as Patriarch of Moscow in 1990.

Christmas Services at St Micheal's Orthodox church 2008

24th December (NS)Christmas vigil from 8 pm
7th of January (NS) 25th December (OS)Divine Liturgy of St John Chyrstostom at 10 am

Orthodox Study Bibles and Liturgical Calendars

Reminder if you wish to purchase an Orthodox study bible see Fr Ilyan - these cost $55 each plus postage.

Fr Ilyan also has the Archdiocesan Liturgical Calendar for 2009 available. This is a wonderful wall calendar suitable for the faithful, to remind us of feast days and fast days throughout the year. These cost $15 each and are available from Fr Ilyan.

Father of the Church, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

St Ambrose was born in the middle of the fourth century AD at time when the Arian controversy was splitting the Church.

Highly educated in literature, the law and rhetoric Ambrose became consular prefect with headquarters in Milan. He showed himself to be a capable and excellant administrator.

In 374 the Bishop of Milan, the Arian Auxentius died; leaving the see vacant and civil disorder arose between the Orthodox and Arians over the choice of his successor.

Called on to restore order Ambrose delivered a speech of such eloquence that the people called for him to succeed Auxentius as Bishop, although at that time Ambrose was still only a catechumen. St Ambrose was initially reluctant to take on the position but after settling his affairs, selling his property and distributing it to the poor he was baptized, ordained and elevated to the rank of Bishop.

As a Bishop, Ambrose was was an eloquent and valiant defender of the Faith, influencing another of Western Fathers, St Augustine.

St Ambrose reposed on the 4th of April 397 - the night of Pascha.