St Michael Theotokos John the Baptist

St Michael's

OrthodoxCross Church



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women

Scripture readings

  • Epistle: The Reading is from The Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7

  • Gospel: The Reading is from the Gospel of Mark 15:43–16:8

Saints and feasts

  • Timothy & Mavra the Martyrs
  • Peter the Wonderworker

The living

  • June
  • Luba
  • Olga
  • Kathleen
  • Sheryl
  • Archpriest Ilyan

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Havronia
  • Olga

Todays Hymns

Troparion (Tone 2)
The noble Joseph, taking down thy most pure Body from the Tree,
Wrapped it in clean linen and sweet spices and laid it in a new tomb.
But on the third day thou didst rise,
O Lord, granting the world great mercy.

Troparion (Tone 2)
Verily, the angel came to the tomb and said to the ointment-bearing women,
"the ointment is meet for the dead,
but Christ is shown to be remote from corruption.
But cry ye, 'The Lord is risen, granting the world the Great Mercy.'"

Kontakion - Tone 2
You did command the myrrh-bearers to rejoice, O Christ!
By Your Resurrection, You did stop the lamentation of Eve, O God!
You did command Your apostles to preach: The Savior is Risen!