Scripture readings
- Epistle: St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2
- Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Saints and feasts
- St. Parthenius, Bishop of Lampasacus on the Hellespont
- St. Luke of Hellas. The 1,003 Martyrs of Nicomedia
- Six Martyrs of Phrygia
- St. Peter of Monovatia, monk
- Martyr Theopemptus and Synodia
- St. Aprionus, Bishop of Cyprus
- New-Martyr George of Crete
- Repose of Archimandrite Gennadius, ascetic of Roslavl forests
The living
- June
- Andy
- Sheryl
- Matushka Mary
- Olga
- Kathleen
- John
- Trevor
- Carol
- Archpriest Ilyan
Вічная Память - Eternal Memory
- Luba Kachnova - February 3rd 2010
The Departed we Commemorated today
- Luba
- Sergei
- Thoeodoros
- Eletherios
2010 Archdiocese Calendar
The 2010 Archdicese calendar is now available. The cost is $15. The proceeds, after costs, from the sale go to the Parish