St Michael Theotokos John the Baptist

St Michael's

OrthodoxCross Church



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Second Sunday After the Nativity

Scripture Readings

Saints and Feasts

  • Saint Sylvester, pope of Rome
  • Repose of Saint Seraphim, wonderworker of Sarov Hieromartyr
  • Theogenes, Bishop of Parium on the Hellespont

Those in need of our prayers

  • Tatiana
  • Khouria Mary
  • Andy
  • Sheryl

The Departed we Commemorate today

  • Slavko
  • Dimitar
  • Keriake
  • Jelica

Typika this Sunday at 10:30 am

Old Calender Christmas Friday the 7th of January

Fr Jack will be celebrating the Feast Nativity of Christ at St Michael's at 10am on Friday , followed by a pot luck lunch at St Patrick's hall