St Michael Theotokos John the Baptist

St Michael's

OrthodoxCross Church



Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Scripture readings

Holy Photini, Svetlana in Russian, is remembered today. Her name means "enlightened one" and was given to her by the Apostles at her baptism.

Today's Gospel reading recounts of her meeting with Christ at Jacob's well, after which she repented and became a great evangelist for the Church.

She was martyred in 66 AD during Nero's persecution of the Church.

The Living in need of our prayers

  • June
  • Luba
  • Kathleen
  • Olga Soroka

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Helen
  • Tony
  • Gennardi
  • Vasili

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