St Michael Theotokos John the Baptist

St Michael's

OrthodoxCross Church



Sunday, August 10, 2008

Eighth Sunday of Pentecost

Scripture readings

The Saints Commemorated today

  • The Holy Martyr Laurence , Archdeacon of Rome
  • St.Geraint , the Confessor
  • St.Blane , the Hierarch.

The Living in need of our prayers

  • Archpriest Ilyan
  • Kathleen
  • Luba
  • Olga
  • June

The Departed we Commemorated today

  • Pandeilu
  • Margareta
  • Vladimir
  • Tamara
  • Constantine

Garage Sale

A garage sale will be held on Saturday the 23rd 0f August to raise funds for the Church.
Gifts of items suitable for sale will be gratefully received.

Please leave your gifts with Matushka Mary as soon as possible to allow plenty of preparation time for this event.

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