Scripture readings
- Epistle: St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 6:13-20
- Gospel: Mark 9:17-31
Saints and feasts
- St. Benedict of Nursia, abbot. St. Euschemon, Bishop of Lampsacus
St. Theognostus, Metropolitan of Kiev and Moscow
St. Rostislav-Michael, prince of Kiev
Repose of John, fool-for-Christ of Yurievits (1893)
The living
- June
- Andy
- Sheryl
- Matushka Mary
- Olga
- Chris
- John
- Trevor
- Carol
- George Erakovic
- Archpriest Ilyan
The Departed we Commemorated today
- Christophoros
- George
- Elias
- Peter
- Semion
- Natalia Grigori
- Paracseva
- Athena
- Maria
2010 Archdiocese Calendar
The 2010 Archdicese calendar is now available. The cost is $15. The proceeds, after costs, from the sale go to the Parish